
broad editorial

I’m Kate Broad, an author and award-winning editor with twenty years of publishing experience with traditional publishers, indie publishers, self-publishing, and academic publishing.

With two agents in two genres and twelve published books (and counting!) I’m here to help you write, edit, and polish your manuscript and submissions materials so you’re in the strongest position to get to YES.

BE bold.
BE creative.
BE ready.

query letters


comparison titles

agent lists


full and partial manuscripts

developmental and line edits


“big picture” reads


get unstuck

finish your manuscript

plan next steps

single or multiple sessions


Let’s make querying easier.

Broad Editorial takes the guesswork and the grunt work out of querying. I’ll research comp titles and generate a list of agents or submissions for you – all personalized for your unique project and goals.

Query letter editor and fiction manuscript editor

Get out of the slush pile.

A knowledgeable editor can take your work to the next level, beyond what beta readers can provide.

Whether a full manuscript, partial, or opening pages, I’ll discuss what type of feedback you’re looking for and how to get your work ready for agents, editors, or to self-publish.

“I appreciate the fact that Kate is a published author and has years of editing experience. She asked the right questions and had a very intuitive process.  She is truly a book therapist.”



Talk to someone who gets it.

writing coach, writing consultant, writing time management
Time management, accountability, and support

Don’t write alone

why do agents pass on manuscripts, query literary agents
Interpret passes and make decisions

Get real advice

writing coach, help with writing
Face change, uncertainty, and career pivots

Be empowered

talk to a writing coach, therapy for writers
Get started, get finished, and get unstuck

Meet your goals

“I was not expecting to be given that much generous consideration from a person with so much valuable insider knowledge. But this is who Kate is: a person as genuine as she is professional who’s deeply invested in helping other writers. Now, after muddling through this murky situation for ages, I have a way forward.”


*now with an offer of publication for her debut novel!

About Broad Editorial

Kate Broad query letter editor, manuscript editor, fiction editor, writing coach, writing consultant
Hi! I’m Kate Broad.

I started Broad Editorial to provide writing and publishing services to writers who are querying, submitting, working on their manuscripts, or figuring out what’s next in their creative lives and careers.

BE original.
BE confident.
BE yourself.

Let me know about your project! Use the form below or email me at broadeditorial [at] gmail [dot] com to get started. Expect a response within 2 business days. Thank you!

Work with Broad Editorial

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